Your Event. Connally's Voice.
Connally is an accomplished and frequent speaker on what it takes to build a deep, gritty and winsome faith in the midst of our chaotic culture. Drawing on her personal discovery of Jesus Christ's presence in tough issues (such as singleness, sexuality, gender, loss or race), her plenary sessions, retreats, and workshops seek to "go there" with Scriptural-strength, spiritual sensitivity, and lovely amounts of laughter. In short, she helps make the eternal reality of Jesus Christ internally real in the present.
Connally in Action. RECENT VIDEO.
Click on the banner above for Going-There videos with Connally, Paula & Guests
Connally in Action. RECENT AUDIO.
Connally in Action. ASSORTED.
Trinity Presbyterian: Zoom panel on race: “Life Together, Loving With Curiosity”
Video Footage from Regent College (Vancouver, BC) book talk/reading: Connally Gilliam with Claire Perini
Connally on “Being Human” panel, The Falls Church Anglican, Fall 2017.
With Sherry Jones at New York City Movement Day (October 2013)
"Connally Gilliam is a fantastic speaker. But what I really mean is that Connally grabs you in a deeply personal way that makes you look at God and say 'Wow.'"
Paula Rinehart, Author
Strong Women, Soft Hearts and Sex and the Soul of a Woman